Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Capable Faculty, Competent Facilities and Steady Financial Stability Helped European University Gain Triple Accreditation

As a triple-accredited business school, European University has proved its adherence to the highest quality standards of education and operation time and again.

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Essential Healthcare Information for EU Citizens Studying in an Accredited European University Abroad

Healthcare assistance and costs are an important consideration for any EU citizen planning to study abroad at accredited European universities. Thankfully, there aren’t many requirements or legalities involved in accessing healthcare in your EU country of study. If you already have health insurance, you can check if it will cover your healthcare costs in the EU country of study throughout the entire course of your studies. Typically, health insurers only cover costs for a limited period of time. In this situation, you will need to apply for state healthcare in your country of study.

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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

University of Edinburgh - European University Accreditation

Founded in 1583, the university of Edinburgh is the sixth oldest university in the English speaking world. Ranked 17th in the world by the 2013 QS rankings, the university is also member of both the Russel Group and the League of European Research Universities (consortium of 21 research universities in Europe).

Few facts on the University of Edinburgh:

  • more than 6'000 academic staff
  • an approximate 47'000 applications every year making it the third most popular university in the UK by volume of applicants
  • competitive entrance, 27% chances of admission in 2010-11